Advantages Of A Self Loading Concrete Mixer

A self-loading concrete mixer is a machine capable of performing everything needed to make the desired specification of concrete mix. It includes all the necessary components required to make a high-quality concrete mix within a few minutes. If you are involved in the construction industry and require concrete on a consistent basis, it would be better to invest in a high-quality self-loading concrete mixer (самоходная бетономешалка с самозагрузкой). Here is a list of some of the major advantages of this machine:

self loader concrete mixers
Self Loader Concrete Mixer for Sale

Huge Savings on Labor Costs

Needless to say, one of the biggest advantages of a self-loading mixer is its ability to cut down on operational costs as it is capable of performing all the processes needed to mix concrete. Only a few operators are required to punch in the required numbers and various systems such as the weighing system, silos, mixer and others go to work and push out the desired specification of concrete mix. If this process was to take place manually, it would require a huge number of workers.

Consistent Product Quality

One of the biggest problems faced by contractors in the construction industry is the inconsistency in the concrete mix. It is a common problem everywhere and it happens due to manual preparation of concrete mix. Even if machines are used for preparing the concrete mix, materials are added manually and it often leads to mistakes resulting in inconsistent quality. With a self-loading mixer (миксер самозагрузкой), a computerized weighing system takes care of choosing just the right amount of materials and mixes them in proper order to deliver consistent concrete mix quality.

Reduction in Wastage

Wastage is a huge problem in the construction industry. It adds to the overhead costs and eats into the profits. With a self-loading mixer, you can achieve a significant reduction in wastage as you won’t have to throw away anything due to inconsistency in product quality. It will consistently produce the desired quality of concrete mix leading to a huge reduction in wastage which should save you a lot of money and bring down your operational costs.

Huge Range of Options

Self-loading mixers are sold in a huge range of options in terms of processing capacity, configurations, budgets, and various other features. In short, you will not find it difficult to buy something within your budget range. Learn more:

Final Thoughts

Overall, a self-loading concrete mixer offers a number of advantages. It helps in cutting down operational costs and saves a lot of money by reducing wastage. It is capable of delivering consistently high product quality due to its automated operations. You are not short of choice when it comes to choosing various configurations as per your project requirements.

When it comes to choosing the right manufacturer, it is important that you pay special attention to customer reviews. There are hundreds of manufacturers of self-loading mixers but it does not mean that you could buy from anyone and expect consistent performance. Not all manufacturers are capable of designing and manufacturing a machine that is reliable and durable. This is why you should never choose a manufacturer only because they offer a significant discount as compared to reputed manufacturers (such as the company AIMIX in China). Your focus should be on product quality and consistent performance over the long term.